Drug Rehabilitation Programs in New Orleans, LA

Because every person, every drug, and every addiction is different, each individual will have a different experience in drug rehabilitation. Though it may seem scary at first, drug rehab is an essential part of getting clean. It provides the time, tools, and skills necessary for long-term recovery and relapse prevention. Even though you know and understand how important it is to enter and complete a New Orleans drug rehab program, it can be difficult to actually take the first step.

Many people have questions about drug rehab facilities and what affect they actually have on your addiction and recover. Call New Orleans Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531 to learn more about addiction treatment.

How Long Is a New Orleans Drug Rehab Stay?

Just as every addiction is different, every person's stay in drug rehab will be different. Your doctor will make a plan that addresses your specific needs. Some programs last only a few weeks, while others may last up to twelve weeks. How long you stay in rehab will depend on the nature of your dependency, the severity of your addiction, and your state of mind when entering the facility.

Will I Lose My Job?

Many people are concerned about the amount of time that will be taken away from everyday life. While it is possible that the time you spend in drug rehab will result in loss of a job, it is more likely that your employer will be sympathetic to your needs and readily allow you to take the requisite time away from the job to get clean. Most employers feel that those who have undergone treatment are much better workers and have much better work relationships than they did before treatment.

What Can I Take to Drug Rehab?

Most drug rehab facilities provide a list of things to bring to the facility, as well as a list of things to leave at home. They recommend proper, weather-appropriate clothing, pictures of loved ones, a pillow or blanket, a little spending money, and shoes for both indoor and outdoor activities. In general, any clothing that depicts anything violent or anything relating to drugs or alcohol is not allowed. Weapons, anything containing alcohol, including sprays and mouthwash, and any valuables are also not allowed.

How Often Will I Get to See My Loved Ones?

Family and friends are important to the recovery process, but only if they promote your new sober lifestyle with positivity and support. Most programs have either a day that loved ones can visit, or a specific day during treatment when you can leave the facility to visit them. Some addiction recovery programs even encourage family therapy, to help resolve any problems addiction or past grievances have caused.

Get help finding treatment centers now. Call New Orleans Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.

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